Orientation - Daniel Orozco

parents:: short story writing class


What does the narrator look like?

Thanks Joe, I'll take it from here. (When out of ear shot).
You were just talking to Joe. He's been here forever. No-one actually knows how long. Some say he was sitting on the plot of land when they were breaking ground.

How does he seem to know so much? Well... the truth is, he doesn't actually know anything. Russell hates Amanda, and has been running marathons every year for the past year. Barry's wife isn't actually dead--the voicemails are real. And Kevin Howard? Well, Kevin Howard really is a serial killer. Everyone knows it. Just don't let on (if you do, you might be let go).

If you want to know more about Joe, I can tell you some more. Did you notice those tiny scars on his fingers, especially his pointer? Those are paper cuts. Those two holes on his neck? Vampires aren't real, staple guns are. His thick red glasses? His doctor says one more second of blue light exposure and the last cone in his retina dies.

Reading notes (second read)







(didn't take notes right after first read)

Before second read

After second read


What would I have done differently?