what does new mean




Things to follow up on

Raw notes


There's always this question of: what is new? E.g. when asking the question of how to balance between cultural transmission and cultural creation, what really is creation?

Perhaps our answer to this question has changed since LLMs have shot onto the scene. Whereas I might've considered before creation to be someone sitting in a room and thinking, I'm realizing that creation might instead be synonymous with chance and choice.

And emergence happens when the change and choice at some level becomes exhausted. E.g. at the level of cells, perhaps we've exhausted the extent to which different interactions between cells lead to unfamiliar/unpredictable behaviors.

What do I mean by chance and choice? I mean the chance encounters and interactions. And I mean that chance really is choice.

How does chance get exhausted?

One might argue also that innovation is still happening; perhaps at an even faster pace than ever before. We've got ChatGPT, a new Alzheimer's drug, etc...

Hmm. I kind like where this is going. It's a counterintuitive definition of new. For instance, I'm saying that my thoughts sort of in isolation aren't really new. These are just the computation. Because adding some noise at the level of the neurons would not have made a significant change in the conclusions I reached.

Analogously, at the society level, I'm arguing that, e.g. LLMs would've still arised if we injected more random noise at the individual level. Because the ideas floating around, necessary for this to occur, were there at a macroscopic level.

What does all of this mean, operationally?